As an information technology (IT) company based in Louisville, Kentucky, Specialized IT Services (SITS) is ready to answer all of your IT outsourcing questions. We have helped numerous small and mid-sized organizations develop custom technology solutions as they expand and evolve. Our highly trained specialists are available to take your call when you contact SITS and will work closely with you to answer all of your questions and develop the custom project solution that fits your needs.


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Get the Answers to Your IT Questions

Here at Specialized IT Services (SITS), we pride ourselves on being a full-range IT Services Company. When you contact SITS, we are able to help you with a wide range of IT Services including Web Services, Staffing, Outsourcing, On-Site Support, IT Consulting, Help Desk and Custom Software.

If you have questions about how an IT Services Company can help your business, please don’t hesitate to contact us by using the form or contact information on this page to contact us directly. We want to make sure that you find the answers you’re looking for. Our knowledgeable customer service representatives will be happy to help you.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]